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Four Ways to Creatively Manage Pain

Four Ways to Creatively Manage Pain

There’s an awful lot of pain around. There was a huge survey done in Europe recently: 1 in 5 people experience chronic pain. They have persistent or severe pain for more than six months. For many of them, the median time was a number of years. The really exciting news...

How Can We Be Less Sensitive?

How Can We Be Less Sensitive?   This is a short video on the importance of feeling, on how nerves can get sensitised and some tips to be less sensitive. Enjoy! How can we be less sensitive? Danger chemicals from immune cells and stress hormones sensitise nerves....

Top Santé: Shake It Off

Top Santé: Shake It Off

TRE in Top Sante - 7th Jan 2019 Shake it off - Could making your muscles quiver and shake help release tension and anxiety from your life? Do a quick scan of your body now - are you clenching your jaw? Are your shoulders tensed up around your ears? If you...

Grazia: Shake It Off

Grazia: Shake It Off

TRE in Grazia - 7th Jan 2019 Shake It Off Giving totally new meaning to the term 'loosen up' comes Trauma Release Exercise (TRE), a set of simple movements that are used to trigger the natural tremor mechanism or ‘shakes’ in the body. ‘Using a simple set...

Elle: Shake It Off

Elle: Shake It Off

TRE in Elle - 1st Oct 2018 'Triyoga has launched shaking meditation session, or TRE (tension and trauma releasing exercises), led by guru Steve Haines, who believes shaking releases tension and can help us feel more connected to ur bodies' NB: New...

Welcome to Body College

Welcome to Body College

Learn how to feel Body College is dedicated to body-based tools, back by science, to change anxiety, pain and trauma. The most important decisions your brain is making are 'Am I safe?' and 'How much energy is it going to cost me to respond'. We are constantly...