If it is hard to feel, it is hard to heal.
Our feeling states are often hidden, rarely simple, and sometimes scary. Embodiment tools can help us develop our capacity to feel, which is incredibly useful in resolving pain, anxiety and trauma.
We’re all hardwired to respond to overwhelming experiences in the same way. We contract away from danger, we run, jump fight or shutdown.
The good news is that we evolved to respond quickly to trauma and have the innate ability to process and overcome trauma,. Connecting to the body is essential to support safe, contained processing of traumatic experiences.
I’ll be speaking about healing trauma via safety, embodiment and shaking at the upcoming online Somatic Movement Summit, and giving a Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) demonstration showing how to start, pay attention to, and stop natural, therapeutic tremors.
Trauma and the Body with Steve Haines
Apr 22, 10.00-10:45pm (BST)
You can register to listen here.
TRE is a useful embodiment tool to help us feel safe to connect to our body, to our sense of self, to others and to mystery. TRE starts a self-directed, natural tremoring process which releases tension and trauma held in the body. I hope you enjoy the demo and discussion.
Upcoming events:
Thu 22 Apr 2021, 6.30pm BST, Online
Thu 20 May 2021, 6.30pm BST, Online
Sat 8 May 2021, Online
Mon 5 Jul 2021, Online
Module 1: 8-9 Jun 2021 or 21-22 Sep 2021
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training 2 year professional training,
BI London 2021, Sem 1 15-19 Sep 2021
BI Galway 2021, Sem 1 22-26 Sep 2021