Body College App

Login to View and Update your existing records within the App:
(NB The first time you visit you will need to sign up and create a password using the email we have on record for you)

‘You can do everything in the App’

Add, View and Update all your homestudy

Easily add multiple attachments such as Word docs, JPG or PDF’s by drag and drop (if you don’t want to type in the App)

Email your Tutor to let them know when you submit an your Homestudy

Update on the go – the App works well on a smartphone

Check the Body College Privacy Policy

BC App: Video guide for students

Add, View and Update all your homestudy

Keep your contact details up to date

Read the feedback from your tutor on your homestudy

Check your payment plan and access statements

Check you graduation requirements and progress through the course

BC App Upload Homestudy Students – Submitting Homestudy

Here is a new short video on submitting homestudy. The App is working well, but too many people are uploading multiple word documents, either in one Section (eg 5.1) or multiple Sections (5.1, 5.2. 5.3 etc). Please do not do this – it makes it much more time consuming for tutors to mark the homestudy.

If you do not like typing in the individual sections in the App then you can write up all your work in one word document and upload that one document as an attachment. Or, once everything is written you can copy and paste from the word document directly into the App. The boxes can hold lots of data.

Otherwise just type into the relevant sections on App. If you have a word document for each Section of the homestudy, copy and paste the text into each relevant Section on the App. The tutors would really appreciate not having to open multiple word documents, thanks for you help in this.

Steve 20 Jun 2022