How to Create Safety in Trauma Healing?

How to Create Safety in Trauma Healing?

The very nature of trauma is that it is overwhelming – it’s more than the organism can cope with. Trauma shatters our worldview and rules of fairness and justice no longer seem to apply. Trauma often leads to a spiritual crisis and a profound re-evaluation of...
Four Ways to Creatively Manage Pain

Four Ways to Creatively Manage Pain

There’s an awful lot of pain around. There was a huge survey done in Europe recently: 1 in 5 people experience chronic pain. They have persistent or severe pain for more than six months. For many of them, the median time was a number of years. The really exciting news...
How Can We Be Less Sensitive?

How Can We Be Less Sensitive?

  This is a short video on the importance of feeling, on how nerves can get sensitised and some tips to be less sensitive. Enjoy! How can we be less sensitive? Danger chemicals from immune cells and stress hormones sensitise nerves. Simple things helps us...