by Steve Haines | Jan 8, 2025 | Recommended Books
‘The map is not the territory’ Science gives us amazing tools and models. But when we divorce scales of temperature from the human experience of hot and cold, when we think of measured ‘clock time’ as more real than ‘lived time’, when we substitute maths for living...
by Steve Haines | Nov 30, 2023 | Recommended Books
If you’re looking for recommendations for books to read or request over the winter break, I’ve compiled a list of eight of my recent favourites, my go-to recommendations, as well as my own books. ONE: Look Again By Elizabeth A Trembley I can’t recommend ‘Look Again’...
by Steve Haines | Dec 4, 2019 | Recommended Books
If you’re looking for something interesting to read over the Winter break, I can recommend the following books, as well as my own series; Pain, Trauma and Anxiety are Really Strange. Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life by Peter Godfrey-Smith...