by Steve Haines | Dec 7, 2019 | Cranial, Embodiment, Safety, Trauma
Here is podcast of me being interviewed by Mark Walsh. At the start there is some framing of how I believe cranial work works, the importance of feeling and the limits of energy models. For TRE folks at 00:34:30 we discuss TRE, including some responses to critiques of...
by Steve Haines | Dec 3, 2019 | As Featured in, Trauma, TRE
TRE, the new exercise craze born out of a war zone I’M lying on my back with my knees bent and slightly apart, and my legs are twitching uncontrollably. For some reason, rather than making me anxious this strikes me as utterly hilarious — I just have a mental picture...
by Steve Haines | Oct 30, 2019 | Feeling, Touch, Trauma, TRE, Webinar
This webinar was designed to explore how ‘Relational Touch’ supports embodiment and grounding to heal trauma. When our physiology is stuck, we are stuck. Understanding the protective reflexes of ‘fight-or-flight’ or ‘freeze’ is a...
by Steve Haines | Aug 17, 2019 | As Featured in, Embodiment, Trauma, TRE
The new tension-release techniqueThe latest relaxation technique is perfect for people who can’t sit still ‘If you have no patience for mindfulness and you’re too fidgety to meditate, a new approach to tackling stress has just reached the UK’s most fashionable...
by Steve Haines | Aug 2, 2019 | Pain, Safety, Trauma, TRE
The very nature of trauma is that it is overwhelming – it’s more than the organism can cope with. Trauma shatters our worldview and rules of fairness and justice no longer seem to apply. Trauma often leads to a spiritual crisis and a profound re-evaluation of...