Zen and the Art of Craniosacral Therapy

Zen and the Art of Craniosacral Therapy

My journey to becoming a bodyworker started with the study of Zen and Shiatsu. Zen opened up a whole new worldview for me and immersed me in a rich tapestry of philosophies and new ways of approaching the world, birthing a fascination with the idea of ‘non-doing’....
My Four Favourite Books About Flow States

My Four Favourite Books About Flow States

A few years ago, I offered a series of workshops with a dancer called Marina Collard. It was very inspiring for me to bring awareness to simple gestures for hours at a time. Every time Marina moved, she looked like water being poured – always carving an elegant...
Five Ways That Shaking Can Help to Heal Trauma

Five Ways That Shaking Can Help to Heal Trauma

Shaking can release long-held tension patterns and promote new feelings of connection and ease. It is a novel stimulus to the central nervous system. New stimuli, approached with safety and curiosity, can support learning and growth. TRE®, Tension and Trauma Releasing...
Become an Expert in Touch: Train with Body College

Become an Expert in Touch: Train with Body College

Last month we held a seminar on our ‘Art of Touch’ Biodynamic Craniosacral 2-year professional training and the feedback has been excellent.  The course is suitable for you if you’re a health professional considering adding a new modality to your work or an individual...